Tag: Meeting

Stop the Witch Hunt and Return to Business

Councilwoman Cheryl Lee very eloquently spoke about ending the witch hunt, stopping the drain on City resources both in personnel and in taxpayer dollars, and getting back to business. She urged the three Council people behind the recall to let it go. This video includes the response of Councilwoman Cynthia Meyer who is apparently happy to spend $140,000 (so far) in retaliation for false accusations against Mayor Nelson.

Council refuses to allow Mayor to Emcee event

The City Council, led by those who decided the Ethics Commission reprimand was not sufficient, stripped Mayor Nelson of the few powers he has. (The City of Bastrop is a weak mayor form of government.) One of those powers was representing the City at various events. They denied him doing so without their permission. Mayor Nelson explains why he won’t be the emcee for the November Farm Street Opry.

Fighting Back!!!

Informational meeting on August 8 has been postponed.  We are developing strategies to attack their lies and hypocrisy.

FACT: NO misuse of public funds!

FACT: NO criminal investigation!

FACT: They have spent over $137,000 in public funds on this witch hunt.

We are challenging the Recall Petition.  I will be providing updates through text messages and here on my website.  Sign up to receive notifications.