Withdraw Your Signature

Texas Law

Sec. 277.0022.  WITHDRAWAL OF SIGNATURE.  (a)  A signer may not withdraw the signature from a petition on or after the date the petition is received by the authority with whom it is required to be filed.  Before that date, a signer may withdraw the signature by deleting the signature from the petition or by filing with the authority with whom the petition is required to be filed an affidavit requesting that the signature be withdrawn from the petition.

(b) A withdrawal affidavit filed by mail is considered to be filed at the time of its receipt by the appropriate authority.

(c) The withdrawal of a signature nullifies the signature on the petition and places the signer in the same position as if the signer had not signed the petition.

How to Remove Your Signature

Now that you have found out the truth, you should submit the request to have your signature removed. It’s important to do this whether or not your signature is formally removed. Doing so will send a message to city council members John Kirkland, Cynthia Meyer, Kevin Plunkett and former city council member Jimmy Crouch, that they cannot mislead citizens. Citizens will not stand for such power grabs.

  1. Print, fill out and sign the affidavit that you want your name removed. It does not have to be notarized.
  2. Make a copy of the signed affidavit for your records. Bring the other to the City Secretary’s Office as soon as possible.
  3. Be sure whomever accepts it timestamps it when you deliver it. And, have the time added on the affidavit timestamp if possible.
  4. If you are unsure of how or when you can file the affidavit, please call or text Lyle Nelson at 512-850-8123.