Cash register showing $100,000

Ka-ching, Ka-ching

Witch Hunts Aren’t Free

From the start of this witch hunt, Mayor Nelson has asserted his innocence. Investigator Sarah Glaser agreed. In her final report, she determined “The Mayor denied any knowledge of misuse of public funds and my investigation to date uncovered no evidence otherwise.”

Yet, Councilman John Kirkland, lead perpetrator of this witch hunt, does his best to lead the public to believe that the mayor is a criminal.  Yet, no criminal investigation has been undertaken by any law enforcement agency, no criminal charges have been filed against anyone involved including the former Executive Director of VisitBastrop, no subpoenas have been issued to anyone for data.

But lawyers sure have made a bundle: over $130,000 so far and more to come.

• $65,213
Bill total, so far, from the City attorney on issues involving VisitBastrop, the Ethics Commission, and a recall election. John Kirkland racked up $2,225.75 in City Attorney legal fees for his petition, a private citizen initiative, not official city business.
• $33,914
Bill total, so far, from Sarah Glaser, Esq.  Sara is the attorney hired by Sylvia Carrillo, City Manager, to conduct the investigation into allegations of financial mismanagement by VisitBastrop.  This was done under the City Manager’s per-contract spending threshold of $50,000.
• $25,502
Bill total, so far, from Rose Hargreaves.  Rose represented John Kirkland and the City Council in the Ethics matter.  Rose is the City Manager’s former boss. This was done under the City Manager’s per-contract spending threshold of $50,000.
• $7,440
Bill total, so far, from Ross Fischer, Esq. Both he and the City Attorney were present at the first Ethics Commission meeting, along with others subsequent to it, on January 18, 2024 that included “Consideration and discussion of complaint filed by Mayor Pro-Tem Kirkland on January 18, 2024, determination as to whether the complaint shall be deemed actionable or baseless, and related procedural issues”. This was done under the City Manager’s per-contract spending threshold of $50,000.
• $5,000
Contract total for Haynie & Company.  This company was hired by the City Manager to perform a forensic audit of expenditures by VisitBastrop. This was done under the City Manager’s per-contract spending threshold of $50,000.
Secretarial time for meetings, minutes, petition voter validation, at a minimum. VisitBastrop, a Texas non-profit, also spent legal fees portions of which may be derived from public funds.  August 9 update: According to the released 8/13 meeting agenda, City “staff approved the form used”. That means taxpayers paid for a review and approval of Kirkland’s recall form.