Witch Hunt

A Political Witch Hunt
for Power and Control


Mayor Nelson Recall Update Video  Tuesday August 20 now online.

Councilwoman Cheryl Lee statement at August 27 meeting.

Mayor Lyle Nelson report at August 27 meeting.

For several months, Councilman John Kirkland has promoted false allegations that I knew about a misuse of public funds and covered it up. Let’s be clear, that is untrueI had an inappropriate relationship, a personal mistake for which I have apologized to friends and family. I have asked for God’s forgiveness. But, any allegation of misuse of funds or coverup of such is an absolute lie.

An investigation conducted by a City funded outside attorney uncovered no evidence of Kirkland’s allegations. “The Mayor denied any knowledge of misuse of public funds and my investigation to date uncovered no evidence otherwise”. While logic would say that was the end of Kirkland’s witch hunt, immediately upon hearing this, Kirkland filed an Ethics Complaint.

We went through the administrative process; the Commission made their ruling.  They issued a reprimand. Kirkland wanted and expected they would remove me from my elected office.

Again not getting his way, Kirkland began a recall petition drive, the justification for which involved innuendo and conjecture to tie me to some sort of misuse of funds. His cohorts have used terms such as embezzlement and theft with no justification.

I have taken these “punches” in the hope that we can get on with important issues that affect our City and our citizens’ lives. But not John Kirkland! Kirkland is intent on continuing this vendetta.

I can no longer stand by while Kirkland and his cohorts disrupt City business, financially bleed City taxpayers, to devour City resources when an investigator found no evidence of Kirkland’s allegations.

INFORMATIONAL MEETING:  Did you miss it? Watch the video.  If you still have questions, call me at 512 850-8123. I appreciate the friendship and support.

“The Mayor denied any knowledge of misuse of public funds and my investigation to date uncovered no evidence otherwise.”

Sarah Glaser, Esq., Investigative Report dated December 20, 2023

“It appeared that a number of the transactions were legitimate business expenses, which raised concern for a technical matter, such as business-related travel expenses which were missing a receipt. Therefore, further work would be required to conclusively identify the amount of problematic transactions.”

Sarah Glaser, Esq., Investigative Report dated December 20, 2023